2009-2010 Honors Day

2009-2010 Honors Day

April 30, 2010

The following students were winners of the 2009-2010 Talent Search for Wisconsin high school students and were invited to an Honors Day program in Madison on April 30, 2010. A copy of the program follows the list of honorees.


Beiquan Cao Sussex Hamilton High School
Brendan DuBois Monroe Virtual School
Arjun Dhillon Fort Atkinson High School
Albert Gnadt Wisconsin Dells High School
Nicholas Grabon Cedarburg High School
Charles He Madison Memorial High School
Amy Hua Madison West High School
John Kegel Marquette University High School
Alex Knoespel Southwest High School
Suhas Kodali Madison West High School
Willard Kwak Walden III High School, Racine
Max Luck Appleton West High School
Jade Moon Madison West High School
Thomas Morgan Memorial High School, Eau Claire
Khang Vu Nguyen Madison Memorial High School
Hongkai Pan Madison West High School
Daniel Schmidt Burlington High School
Sohil Shah Madison Memorial High School
Abraham Shin Madison West High School
Kyle Stankowski Mosinee High School
Minh-Tam Trinh Whitefish Bay High School
Si Wang Menomonie High School
Yang Yu Madison West High School
Xiaoqin Zhou Regis High School, Eau Claire


8:45 – 9:30 Registration and Refreshments 911 Van Vleck Hall
9:30 Group Photo 911 Van Vleck Hall
9:55 – 10:45 “Cryptography and the Benefits of Ignorance”

Prof. Nigel Boston, UW-Mathematics Dept

B215 Van Vleck Hall
11:00 – 11:50 “Flies R Us”

Prof. Jerry Yin, UW-Genetics Dept

B215 Van Vleck Hall
12:00 – 1:30 Luncheon and Presentation of Awards 911 Van Vleck Hall
2:30 – 3:30 Tour: The Ice Cube Project 222 W. Washington Ave