2001-2002 5th problemset
This is the 5th problemset from the 2001-2002 Talent Search.
File: T01-5q_1.pdfThis is the 5th problemset from the 2001-2002 Talent Search.
File: T01-5q_1.pdfThis is the 4th problemset from the 2001-2002 Talent Search.
File: T01-4q_1.pdfThis is the 3rd problemset from the 2001-2002 Talent Search.
File: T01-3q_1.pdfThis is the 2nd problemset from the 2001-2002 Talent Search.
File: T01-2q_1.pdfThis is the 1st problemset from the 2001-2002 Talent Search.
File: T01-1q_1.pdf