Each school year, the Talent Search creates five sets of five problems each and distributes them to high school and middle school students in the state of Wisconsin and throughout the world. These problems are unusual, challenging, and we hope, enjoyable. They are not easy, but their solutions do not require advanced mathematical knowledge–just hard work and creativity. Students can work on the problems at their own pace and send in their solutions to be graded. Top participants are invited to Madison for an Honors Day in the spring and to participate in an exam for the Van Vleck scholarship to UW-Madison.



We had three Van Vleck Scholarship winners in 2024: Jeremy Li, Kevin Wan, and Bryant Yu!  To find out more about what they won, learn more about the Van Vleck Scholarship.


The 4th problem set for the 2024-2025 Wisconsin Math Talent Search is now available on our website! We have also posted the solutions to the second problem set.

The scores for the first problem set have been posted under the “Scores” tab.


Please check out the “How to Participate” tab to see how to submit solutions.